
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Dresses

When Bug was born, we were given so many cute clothes for her. One of my favorites was a red dress with white polka dots. It aslo came with a cute white shrug, that soon became the go to sweater for any sundresses that she wore. If you will notice, the tag on it says 9 months, but Bug actually wore it until she was about 2 1/2. Like I said, it was an outfit go-to for us. 

I have wanted something similar in a larger size that would fit Bug right now, but never found one at the right price point. I did find an inexpensive white sweater at Wal-Mart, I think that it was $4, but it was long and long-sleeved, not exactly what I was looking for. I bought it anyway, intending to cut off the sleeves and shorten it a little, but instead it just sat in my project pile. I thought about using it as it was, but it really didn't fit her right. 

Well, Easter provided the motivation that I needed to finally take the plunge and cut up this perfectly fine, brand-new sweater. I had Bug try it on, and then used my rotary cutter and cutting mat to take 6 inches off the bottom and to cut the sleeves. Then I just hemmed all of my cut edges and I was good to go. It isn't quite as cute as the Carter's shrug, but it fits her cute, and will definitely work for what I want it for.

So, if all of the above frugality wasn't enough, I was an even bigger cheapskate  frugal mom for the actual dresses. Last year, I bought Bug 2 of the same dresses in different colors and sizes. I bought the purple one for her second birthday outfit, and then later in the summer bought the pink one when it was on clearance at the end of the summer. Even though the purple one is still too big for Baby Girl, with a little shortening of the straps with some folding and tacking, it fits her pretty well. Then, as she grows, I can untack the straps and it will fit her for a longer time period. Here are the cute little Easter dresses and sweaters. I am happy with how they turned out and even happier that I didn't have to spend any new money on them.

My little models were asleep when I actually had a minute to take some pictures, but I plan on taking lots of pictures on Sunday and will post some then.


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